And maybe if you're an aspiring content creator, a freelancer, or you want to sell your art or something like that, maybe you suffer
some kind of imposter syndrome around the finances that come with creating your art.
Maybe you might find yourself consistently undervaluing your worth and just trying to get as many clients in as as possible.
And consciously this might feel a little bit silly, right? It's like why would we have a block around money? Why would we have these challenges saying what we're worth?
Welcome to the Make Up Your Mind podcast. I'm your host Jahleane Dolne, and I'm here to help you make up your mind - literally and figuratively. I'm a motivational speaker, content creator, subconscious mindset coach, and the founder of The Postgrad Playbook- the only coaching platform and resource center for post-grads and 20 somethings to release mindset blocks and take action towards their chosen career , no matter how, quote unquote, unconventional that might look.
As an expert recognized by Afrotech, [00:01:00] LinkedIn news,, and more, I help you identify what you actually want, release what's keeping you stuck, and have a game plan to take action with clarity, confidence, conviction, and ease. Here we cover all things, paving your own way and how that looks personally and professionally. Get ready to finally make up your mind.
Let's get started.
Hello! You already know what it is. Happy Wednesday and welcome back to another episode of Make Up Your Mind. Um, I have been really on my grind lately. You know, we're In the thick of August and I just don't know if you've ever felt this way but sometimes it's like you're cruising you're chilling you're on vacation and then when you come back there are all these things that you have to do and so I'm definitely in the swing of just getting back into work diving in deep and Getting that bag and getting closer and closer to that bag and being in this space in my life and just working [00:02:00] really hard has really made me realize how much has changed in my money mindset and also where I am now as someone who's growing a media company through The Postgrad Playbook, teaching, educating, and growing a business versus where I used to be in a corporate job and working in sales and so on.
I was doing a podcast that's going to be coming out later this year, and one of the biggest topics of conversation that we are talking about was the difference between, you know, making money for yourself versus making money for your corporate job, which there is a huge discrepancy between. One of the main reasons why a lot of times when it comes to paving your own way people don't go towards their dream career or don't take that risk is obviously and understandably because of money.
How often had we heard the narrative of the starving artist, right? We've heard the narrative of the starving artist. I know I grew up around a lot of people who didn't major in anything besides STEM because they're like, oh, [00:03:00] those careers don't make any money and so on. But I have a hot take and I think that you can make a good amount of money in any field.
Any kind of career and especially with the evolution of social media and entrepreneurship and this new generation that's entering into, you know being full time working adults, there are so many opportunities that you can make money, but it's really reframing your mindset around it and claiming that for yourself.
So for today's episode, we're diving in deep into cultivating an abundance mindset, a money mindset, how to rewire those limiting beliefs and where that might even come from. But before we get into it, if you're watching on YouTube, make sure you're hitting the subscribe button, and if you're listening on Apple podcasts or Spotify, I would love for you to hit the plus and follow the show, so that way you are always notified as soon as an episode drops every single Wednesday, so let's get into it our money mindset.
A little bit of backstory about how this appeared for me I remember when I was first starting out [00:04:00] with The Postgrad Playbook, I did a lot of speaking engagements for it. So I'd be pitching these speaking engagements to go to these schools, these workshops, universities things like that. And I have, like I've mentioned before, extensive experience in sales.
I feel like I've been selling ever since I used to do a lot of fundraising when I was in middle school and high school all the way through doing it professionally in my first five ish years of working in corporate America, right?
So, selling another person's product was so easy for me and I was able to work up the ranks pretty quickly. But when it came time to sit in front of these universities, these schools, and these potential clients, it was like I was entering a whole new ballgame.
It was so easy for me to sell someone else's product, but when it came time to sit up and pitch myself and write down my own prices and name my own prices I found that I hit a ton of roadblocks.
It felt a lot more uncomfortable for me to do that. It felt a lot more [00:05:00] confusing for me to name my prices. It felt like I was justifying my worth and I was like, where is all this coming from? I thought I was experienced. I thought that I was good at this. And maybe if you're an aspiring content creator, a freelancer, or you want to sell your art or something like that, maybe you suffer with some kind of imposter syndrome around the finances that come with creating your art.
Maybe you might find yourself consistently undervaluing your worth and just trying to get as many clients in as as possible.
And consciously this might feel a little bit silly, right? It's like why would we have a block around money? Why would we have these challenges saying what we're worth?
This is reminding me of that one meme that I think it's funny and it's like, oh, you attract what you fear? And people say, oh, I fear. And then insert whatever they've wanted for their whole lives. And it's like, oh, you attract you what you fear?
Oh, I fear a bunch of money. Why would anybody have money blocks? But it's simple, right? It's in our subconscious mind rather than what we [00:06:00] consciously would want for ourselves. I'm going to go through a quick exercise with you, and I want you to answer these questions very, very quickly. And the reason why we're going to answer these questions super quickly is because we're going to try to bypass your conscious mind and just move straight into your subconscious.
Just sort of get an idea of what you actually feel about money and maybe why you're not able to make as much as you want right now.
So once again, this is rapid fire and 3, 2, 1. Money makes people ____.
If I had money, I would ____. My mom thought money was ____. My dad thought money was ____. Money is ____. My friends think people with money are ___. Money causes ___ when I have money, I usually ____. I know that if I had money, I would ____. [00:07:00]
In my family, money caused ____..
Money ____.
Money and creativity ___. So I'm going to stop there, and I want you to think about some of what just came to your mind. What did you think? What were the first initial impulses and answers to the questions that I said? It might be really shocking to for the first time uncover the limiting beliefs that we have around money or these conceptions that we have about money in our subconscious mind, because those were our initial thoughts. And when we take this into consideration, it's almost like, well, no, duh, I'm having a hard time making money because look at what beliefs have informed the way that I'm going about trying to make money and pitch myself and so on. One thing that I learned in sales is that the other side can always, always, always on some level sense, your energy. So if there's a tinge of desperation, like you really need to close the deal, or if you just don't really believe that you're worth the amount of money that you're asking [00:08:00] for the other side, can sense it.
But when we think about the limiting beliefs and the phrases that we've probably heard a lot of times growing up from our parents and get to the root of our money story, it makes a lot of sense. Let me know if this sounds familiar to you, right? Maybe you heard a lot, your parents say, or people around you say that money doesn't grow on trees.
Or you have to work really, really, really hard for money.
Or that money doesn't come easily.
Or maybe that it's impossible to get paid, doing what you love.
As long as these beliefs are tightly held, it's going to be very difficult for you to be able to show up and make the amount of money that you want. Or even have a good relationship with the money that you're trying to make in your business, or you want to have coming in consistently. Some symptoms that you might have a subconscious block or some limiting beliefs is that you might overspend a lot and you refuse to create some kind of plan, or maybe you are someone who is completely avoidant and you never want to take a look at your finances or your money.
This can even show up in some very [00:09:00] interesting ways, like having a really hard time receiving maybe from other people, like you have a hard time receiving gifts, receiving money, getting paid your worth, or potentially even receiving compliments.
I know that for a lot of us, we believe that if we came into a big amount of money, that all of our problems would be solved. And I totally think that's true, but at the same time, you almost have to be prepared to come into that amount of money so that you can keep it and sustain it so that way you don't self sabotage.
yourself. I came across a really interesting stat, not too long ago that I'm going to share with you. And the question is about what percent of lottery winners do you think revert back to their original net worth within two years of winning their fortune. *Insert jeopardy music here*
The answer is 60% and these are people who win the millions of dollars. They're not just winning the small lotteries are winning the huge amounts of money they're absolutely spending it.
And the reason why is because they weren't ready mentally to come into that [00:10:00] much money.
There are a lot of circumstances that can keep us from making the amount of money that we want or holding onto the amount of money that we want in our bank accounts, or just having better money habits overall. And once again, the answers lie in our subconscious mind. When you're paving your own way, it is such an uncertain experience, right?
You don't truly know what's going to be coming the day after the next. It's very variable. Things are constantly changing. And to your subconscious mind, that's its worst fear. Its number one priority is to keep you safe. As I've mentioned in past episodes, if your subconscious mind does not feel safe or it can't predict an outcome, it's going to try to get you to self-sabotage.
You're going to be fighting against yourself to remain consistent or get to the end result that you quote unquote, consciously want.
The past episode that we recorded here at the post-grad playbook called "You self-sabotage because you have a subconscious block (here's how to get over it)" is really great that I will link. And you should definitely listen to you because it dives in [00:11:00] even deeper into this.
But to understand the subconscious mind and how to start to rewire these limiting beliefs, it is really through understanding what happened between the ages of zero to seven and getting to the root of your money story. A lot of times we have this specific moment usually with our parents. That defines how we go about many, maybe your parents are people who talk to you a lot, about money specifically when it came to their careers, maybe some of the things that you observed informed your money story, whatever it is, you need to journal on it and get to the root of what that money story is and how you can sort of rephrase it so that you're able to start to generate the income that you You can rephrase it so that you can finally start to generate the kind of income you want, or maybe just start to change your mindset around what it means to make money doing what you actually love and paving your own way. Either way, there might be either way. There's some work that [00:12:00] has to be done. So I'm going to go ahead and start to give you a three-step plan to rewiring your money mindset.
So that way you're able to move forward confidently and consistently. The first part of it is, like I mentioned, is identifying the root of your money story. So when we went over some of those questions a little bit earlier where we said, my mom thought money was blank. My dad thought money was blank. As you were going over those questions. If you have time and maybe wrote them down, I want you to go ahead and look at them and see how you feel in your body.
Maybe you feel a tightness in your chest. Maybe you feel something in your stomach, in your throat, whatever, get an overall sense of how you feel emotionally and physically.
The reason why I want you to tap into this is because your subconscious mind works with your nervous system and your body to basically show you signals of what you're experiencing through physical sensations. So when you're tuning into how you [00:13:00] feel in your body or how it feels somatically, these limiting beliefs that you're bringing up in present time might remind you of a situation that happened when you were very, very young.
Just start to think, okay like I'm feeling this way right now. When was the last time I felt this way and that might get you to the very root of your money story when you're a very young or just another defining moment.
When we get to the root of the money belief, I want you to now take the second step and understand how this belief has sneakily shown itself in a lot of the patterns and thoughts and beliefs that you have about money now.
So maybe if you saw your parents fighting about money, when you were younger, maybe now you avoid money because you think money might lead to fighting and so on. So what were some of the associations that you made consciously and how are they still showing up, which is a driving factor behind you, having some sort of understanding between how money fits into your professional story?
Then, lastly, as we understand how unfavorable this is, we're going to write down how we [00:14:00] want to course correct. How would we actually want this to play out?
What is the better alternative?
How do we want to shake things up and then detail exactly how your life will look like if you had better habits in place.
Those are three really easy steps to start to initiate the change that you seek, but really it's going to come down to you after doing those three, really focusing on and intentionally, implementing those changes in tangible steps. So potentially setting smart goals around how many pitches you're going to send, or trying to find ways that you can find abundance and financial opportunity through the projects that you want to have that result in.
You might be able to take inspiration from people who are already out there and are already making money in the way that you see yourself being able to. One really big thing that is going to help you along this journey is just being exposed to people who are there and are doing it and have a proven track record of success. That way you're able to reinforce any [00:15:00] limiting beliefs that pop up saying, oh, this isn't possible. Instead X that out and saying, yes, it is because I see examples through this, this and that.
This is one of the best ways to have an intentional breakthrough with your money mindset, but commit to doing the thing that you've been avoiding or what has just been so opposite of the belief you've held subconsciously for so long. And then you'll start to be able to break that barrier down and start to rewire that neural pathway that's formed over all these years. Another resource that I'm going to share with you is a book that I love.
It's called "You are a badass at making money" by Jensen Sincero. And this really is a good overview of how to master a great money mindset and segue into this kind of work. It is very self-helpy. It just sounds like a cheerleader is cheerleading on, but I recommend it and I'm going to be including a link to it in the show notes.
But no matter where you are in your [00:16:00] money mindset journey. It's exactly. As I said, it is a journey. It's not a sprint and your beliefs aren't going to change tomorrow. It does take time, but it also does take continuous work and effort. So be patient and you'll get there the journey to paving your own way is anything but fast.
And I found through my work and helping other people that as you climb and as you elevate more subconscious blocks arise.
So I'm really excited to be offering for free 14 questions that you can go ahead and dive into and journal on.
So that way you can get to the root cause of whatever subconscious blocks might be stopping you from getting the progress that you're looking for in this next chapter of your life. All you have to do to get that is leave a review on apple podcast and send me a screenshot at, at, thepostgradsplaybook on Instagram, and I will send you that exclusive link.
But in the meantime also just make sure that, you know, your subscribed, you're following the podcast and you're signed up for the newsletter. [00:17:00] Just be tapped into all the things. So you don't miss anything. So thank you so much for listening to today's episode.
And as always, I am rooting for you and I will see you next Wednesday bye